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Archive for the 'Family Law' Category

Cohabitants and the Law

29 Mar

A recent High Court case DC V DR has provided clarification in regard to the rights of co habitants who seek financial provision from the estate of their predeceased cohabitant. The right to apply for such financial provision is set out in Section 194(1) of the Civil Partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Continue Reading…

Judicial Separation

27 Apr

A Judicial Separation is a Court Order that provides for the breakdown of a marriage. The Court has the power to grant orders dealing with the division of property, extinguishing of succession rights, addressing guardianship, custody and access in respect of children, division of pensions. A Judicial Separation however does not grant the right to remarry. Continue Reading…


19 Dec

The somewhat thorny and delicate issue of prenuptial agreements has recently come to the fore of public consciousness. The IFA have reignited the issue by lobbying the Department of Justice to legislate for the enforceability of such agreements. At the moment in Ireland one can enter into a prenuptial agreement but there is no guarantee Continue Reading…
